Contact Us

Please fill out the form and we'll review your intake right away. Any content you provide below will be confidential and privileged.

Washington, D.C.

One of the partners will review the information you provide. Our team will then contact you to let you know if we feel your information meets the criteria for a viable whistleblower claim for submission with the IRS, FinCEN, or other, related programs.

Your communications with our firm during the evaluation process are considered privileged and will not be shared with any third-parties without your express permission; however, it should be noted that unless we enter a written representation agreement, we are not your attorneys.

Use Secure Devices

Do not use any devices owned or controlled by a your employer or governmental entity.

Create a New Email

Protect your online identity by establishing a new email account that does not identify you.

Don’t Use Social Media

Avoid the use of other online platforms or social media that may disclose your identity.